Thursday, July 29, 2010

What a delight it was

to work with Miss "Jolottie Moon" I have model nick names for everyone, and I just call her "Jolie" :)

She is beautiful, charming, well spoken and very polite. I look very forward to working with her again.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Camera Phone blog 2.0

In my previous camera phone blog I Mentioned that I think sometimes, they are worth it. (in more complicated words, Im sure)

Here are some more photos I have snapped over time that I can see being part of my life's scrap book :)

This is the gift I got my Pseudo Dad for fathers day, Its an inside joke. 

 Road Tripping to FL with the r1, which came in super handy for the whole trip. I would say I took most of the vacation pictures with this camera instead of my SLR. Never under estimate the power of a Sony. 

 Goliath riding In the back on a road trip. and no, this is not my car. I wish my car was this clean...Maybe if I cleaned it? Hm.

 I dont recommend taking photos while driving. But this is another inside thing that just must be done :)

 I made a castle out of money when I was tipsy at the bar with my sister. 

 Fat Chicks love chilli dogs. Case in Point. 

My poor Subby got snowed in...for like five seconds. Dear Weather, Bite me. I have a Subaru :)

This is my boyfriends cat, who I secretly like more than my kitten. I think its because I got cats, because I wanted cat like attitudes...and my cats act more like children than cats. And his cat acts like a cat. Im jealous, I'll admit it haha. 

Random right? Its one of the first photos I took with my new phone, and I like it because its all me. Power lounging in monkey pajamas and weird angles with strange colors. 

I've had this wig for quite some time, and every time I wear it I feel invincible. Its my super hero costume.
Its going to sound emo-tastic, but it reminds me of a time in my life many moons ago when I had no responsibilities and I could have blue hair if I wanted to (and I did) My buddy "rico" got this for me two birthdays ago and I have adored it ever since.

I am sure some will argue that they have a life and bills and blue hair....and I will argue that none of you are trying to be radiologists, I am. :P


I haven't updated in forever, I have some new work but here is my latest. I may post a few new blogs over time so I don't bog down the lovely folks that I have forcefully subscribed to my blog  :-) ---thanks guys ;)

This is Tabatha. One of her very first shoots, I look forward to working with her again. She is a tiny woman, but she delivers. Once again proving dynamite comes in small packages.


- Danni