Examples of photos I have taken on my phone, or friends and family have sent to me that I think tell stories.
My buddy and I were playing wii bowling, and I wanted an action shot so I took this shot of the TV. wii may be a video game but...its probably the coolest thing I've ever played and I am a video game geek.
this is the coolest story I've got from this whole post. This was taken by my brother in law Eric. Its the VERY first time I saw my brand new nephew Chandler "fred" Wyatt.I told him I wanted a picture of him while he was still raw, before they cleaned him up and before he was happy. I wanted to see his first moment so I could share part of that memory with my sister for EVER. and he delivered what I think is the perfect raw moment picture ever, and with a camera phone. I felt like I could reach out and touch him. Btw...we call him Fred because for the longest time while he was still cooking, she couldnt make up her mind on a name. therefore...my other sister dubbed him FRED. and so..he is Fred, forever. We like Chandler. But he is stuck with Fred forever.

Have you ever met someone who gets you? This guy gets me. He doesn't always LIKE me, but he definitely understands me. And what he doesn't understand he doesn't try to understand, but he accepts with open arms. He is by far the closest thing I've got to a father. And We have these monkeys. I just carry mine around in the car, but he has this super cool thing that I always childishly look forward to. He sends pictures of this guy in, on and around various things during road trips. Its a very special thing to me. I have kept almost all of these images and always look forward to the next one.
I work retail, electronics mostly. Because I am a nerd it just works out for me. Every now and again something happens at work that is too weird for words. THIS is a broken plasma. with a high contrast glass plate. the TV is shattered beneath the glass plate. The glass plate was entirely in tact and...it was one of the coolest things I have seen at my job. It sucks for the company, but man what a sight.
This is Professor Lupin (Look, I have said like 14 million times I am a nerd, dont be surprised)
He is my "fostered out ferret" my friend Jessica has him...I dont even really consider him mine anymore. Her kids are attached to him now and well...as cool as I think it would be to have him back, I dont take him back because I dont want to hurt their feelings. and my two cats drive me crazy as it is lol.
as a complete side note:Ferrets are often hated on for a list of reasons I've never agreed with. The most ridiculous of which is that they stink. Like any rodent like animal, if you dont take care of them properly...YES they stink. So if your ferret stinks, your a bad ferret owner and should do it right. Lupin has never smelled bad, neither did the ferret I had as a child. Bath once a week, change the cage bedding out completely once every two weeks and litter box train the little guy/girl and its a non-issue. If you dont want to do the work, dont own the animal.
Back to the point. I think I will do a few of these posts now and again. Camera phones capture some interesting things. I find them completely impractical for anything you want to print and frame. But if your only goal is to capture a moment or a memory and save it to your myspace or facebook..or just keep it on your phone, then they make sense. If you want to frame something...get a real camera. Thats my two cents. Good night!